PowerUp Workshops

A series of four digital action-based learning sessions that lead participants through a self-discovery journey to grow and develop an understanding of themselves now and into the future. 

The Athlete365 Career+ Power Up workshops are a self-discovery journey to grow and develop an understanding of yourself and help you explore your future career choices. No matter at what stage you are in your career, it is important to take time to reflect and evaluate who you are and what you want out of life. The Power Up workshops – designed by Olympians and experts – are delivered in four online action-based learning sessions. 

Workshop 1: Strengths & values
This first session focuses on self-reflection and activities to answer questions like – what is great about me? What could I be better at? What is important to me?

Workshop 2: Interests & skills
During the session we explore what sparks your interest outside sport and your unique skills that are transferrable and valuable to the labour market.

Workshop 3: Passion & Impact
Session three goes to a deeper level of what you are really passionate about and how you can make a positive impact on the world.

Workshop 4: Purpose & planning
This module will help you identify your purpose, discovering your “purpose” makes you more likely to have higher levels of fulfilment and happiness in your life. We start planning your next steps into a “purpose-driven” life.

What will I take away from the “‘Power Up’” workshops?

  • Power Up’ will build a foundation for increased self-knowledge, confidence, self-esteem, and leadership capacity. Throughout the exercises, you will find your Super Powers and potential impact on the world.
  • Identify your unique personality traits, behaviour, strengths, interests, skills, values, motivations, and interests and bring them together in a “ME MAP”.
  • Build a personal library of key significant words and attributes that you will use in your career development process (networking, in your CV, and in an interview).
  • Recognise the traits, experiences, values, and skills that you learned as an athlete and transfer those into the world of work and into wider aspects of life.
  • Identify specific interests, career paths, and occupations based on your passion and interests.
  • Reflect and explore your passions, your purpose, and how you can create a positive impact in the world, and how planning and actions lead to your dreams in sport, in careers, and in life.

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